Types Of Access Control Systems To Consider For Your Business

When you start up a business, you'll need to consider security and ease of access. You want to make sure the building is safe but do not want to make it difficult for authorized people to enter. You will need to find an access control system that is a happy medium. Traditional locks are just one of many options modern locksmiths can help you implement today to provide access control. 

Each type of access control system will have its own special features. Check out the different types before deciding to have one installed. They include:

  • Gate entry systems

  • Key card systems

  • Electric strikes

  • Biometric systems

Gate entry systems

Here, security starts from outside the building. A gate entry system provides that extra layer of security before a person gets near your building. Gate access systems can work via a traditional key or a security card that decides who can enter. While this helps, it is not a complete system until you add some layers of security to your actual building as well. 

Key card systems

Regardless of the size of the company, this will be the best system to install. Each person will be given a key that looks just like a credit card and has metal inserts that will react when they are used. Some can have radio frequency identification technology as well. The advantages of this system are:

  • The cards are small

  • Once a person enters the property, the doors automatically lock again, so you don't have to worry about the property remaining unsecured

  • Keys can be deactivated in seconds if they are no longer needed

Electric strikes

This system will allow doors to be activated by remote control. This helps when there will be a lot of visitors. You won't want them to have their own pass but don't want someone rushing to open the door all the time. The door frame will have a metal plate so that it can be opened remotely.  The door can also be left open when there are people coming and going and you don't mind who is coming in. It can be locked overnight when not needed.


This access control system will usually only be needed when there is total security required. There is no key needed as parts of the body will be used. Before installation, the required features will be scanned, and this part must be shown to allow access.    

If you need more options when considering ways to secure your premises, speak to a professional locksmith near you.

About Me

Using A Great Safe

About a year ago, I could tell that there were some serious problems with my home security. I had been robbed twice, and I knew that I needed to make some changes in order to protect my belongings and my family. I worked hard to figure out what I could do to improve my security, but ultimately I decided that I needed a strong safe. I started looking around for a safe that would work for what I needed, and I was able to find an excellent business that would work for my belongings. It was incredible to have everything locked up and protected. This blog is all about using great safes.

