Beginner's Guide To Gun Safe Locks

From steel thickness and fire protection ratings to the bolt layout, there are several factors to keep in mind when shopping for your next gun safe. In addition to these considerations, there is another feature you need to keep in mind, and it can impact the price and security of your safe: the lock. There are several different varieties of locks available for your residential gun safe, and learning about your options can help you make the best decision for your needs and budget. Here are a few of the most popular gun safe locks available:

Mechanical Locks

If you want a more low-tech, reliable option, consider a mechanical lock. Depending on the type of lock you choose, the mechanical lock will either require you to turn a dial both counterclockwise and clockwise until you have fully entered the three-digit combination, or after you enter the combination, you turn the lock to zero and access the safe with a key that is found in the handle.

For gun owners who have multiple people who want to easily enter the safe, a mechanical lock is a good option because you can provide all users with a key. Additionally, unlike other type of modern locks, your mechanical lock doesn't require any batteries and electricity, meaning you don't have to worry about losing access if the batteries go dead, or if the power goes out.

Be aware that if you utilize this type of lock and lose the key, you will need to contact a gunsmith immediately to have the key replaced, especially if the gun safe is open and requires you use the key to secure it.

Electronic Locks

One of the most cost-effective and popular options, an electronic lock is ideal for several users and situations, including owners who want quick access to their guns and don't have a huge budget. The lock works very simply: The user enters a three or four-digit sequence followed by the pound sign. There are some locks that will allow multiple users to have their own unique number sequence. Additionally, if the number sequence is entered incorrectly several times, many gun safes have a safety mechanism that locks the gun safe for a set amount of time or an alarm may go off.

There are several advantages to utilizing an electronic lock, including the convenience and increased safety. However, be aware that according to Angie's List, if you use the same code for several years, noticeable wear will form on the numbers. If this occurs, it's important to contact a gunsmith to have the lock replaced.

Biometric Locks

If you have a smartphone that can be accessed by your fingerprint, retinal scan, or facial recognition, you have a gadget that features a biometric lock. These locks are state-of-the-art and allow and single user to access the safe and no one else. Biometric locks are more expensive than mechanicals and electronic locks, and if you have multiple people who want to enter the safe, the main owner will need to be there to open it with their unique signature.

Additionally, if there is a subtle change to the physical characteristics that is used to open the biometric lock, it can make it difficult to access your guns. For example, if you use a fingerprint scanner and you have a large cut or another injury that damaged your fingertip, the biometric scanner might not allow you access to the safe. Keep this point in mind when determining if biometric locks are right for your needs and budget.

Determining the type of gun safe lock that is right for your needs and budget is a critical decision. Visit a site like to learn more about gun safes.

About Me

Using A Great Safe

About a year ago, I could tell that there were some serious problems with my home security. I had been robbed twice, and I knew that I needed to make some changes in order to protect my belongings and my family. I worked hard to figure out what I could do to improve my security, but ultimately I decided that I needed a strong safe. I started looking around for a safe that would work for what I needed, and I was able to find an excellent business that would work for my belongings. It was incredible to have everything locked up and protected. This blog is all about using great safes.

